HHV LtdThin film deposition tools for science and industry

HHV LtdThin film deposition tools for science and industry

Custom built vacuum equipment for special applications

HHV has many years of experience in the design and manufacture of vacuum equipment for special applications. We build special systems for the coating of the mirrors used in astronomical telescopes, for in-line coating of large area substrates, for the interior coating of aircraft cockpit canopies and more. Please contact us with your requirements.

2.55 metre telescope coater

2.55 metre telescope coater

2.55 metre telescope mirror coater

2.55 metre telescope mirror coater

Downward sputtering system

Downward sputtering system

Large production optical coating system

Large production optical coating system

TF 800 with robot loading

TF 800 with robot loading

TF 800 with robot loading

TF 800 with robot loading

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