HHV LtdThin film deposition tools for science and industry

HHV LtdThin film deposition tools for science and industry

Advanced Thin Film Technology | Atomic Layer Deposition

Auto 306 series

IllustrationIon Beam Technology | Thermal Evaporation System

BT 150 and BT 300 for SEM and TEM

Atomic Layer Deposition | Advanced Thin Film Technology

ATS 500 research deposition tools

Atomic Layer Deposition | Advanced Thin Film Technology

Glove box deposition tools

Ion Beam Technology | Electron-Beam Technology

Ion beam deposition technology

Vacuum Equipment Manufacturer | Thin Film Technology

Forensic VMD systems

Electron-Beam Technology | Ion Beam Technology

Electron beam technology

Optical Thin Film Coatings | Thin Film Technology

Astro telescope mirror coater

Electron Beam Sources | Reactive Ion Etching Systems

Effusion sources for organics

Magnetron Sputtering | Thermal Evaporation System

RF and DC sputtering sources

Optical Thin Film Coatings | Thin Film Technology

Load lock transfers

Atomic Layer Deposition | Advanced Thin Film Technology

TF 1400 production tools

Our Products

BT 150, BT 300

Ion Beam Technology | Atomic Layer Deposition

Bench tops for EM sample prep and R and D

Auto 306 Series

Atomic Layer Deposition | Optical Thin Film Coatings

The universal lab research deposition tool 

ATS 500 Series

Optical Thin Film Coatings | Lithography System

500 mm box coaters for R and D and production

Glove box tools

Electron-Beam Technology | Thermal Evaporation System

For R and D in OLEDs, PLEDS and organic electronics 

TF 600 Series

Hybrid Micro Circuits | Lithography Technology

600 mm tools for advanced R and D and production

TF 800, TF 1400

Thin Film Technology | Optical Thin Film Coatings

Full-size tools for optical and ophthalmic thin film coatings

Forensic VMD

Vacuum Equipment Manufacturer | Atomic Layer Deposition

Forensic Vacuum Metal Deposition (VMD) systems

Effusion sources

Advanced Thin Film Technology | Reactive Ion Etching Systems

Effusion sources for organic material evaporation

Custom Systems

Atomic Layer Deposition | Optics Fabrication

Custom built systems for special applications

Thin Films and Optics Services

Advanced Thin Film Technology | Optics Fabrication

HHV Advanced Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (HHVAT) Thin Film and Optics division is a leading manufacturer of high precision optical components and thin film coatings. The manufacturing unit includes facilities for optical polishing, high end metrology, thin film coatings and testing capabilities. HHVAT manufactures dichroic coated optics, laser filters, narrow band interference filters, hybrid micro circuits, periscope prisms, thin film heaters and infrared optics for a variety of applications in industrial, space and defence technologies. The Thin Films and Optics Division has a wide range of technical coating and optics focused capabilities. HHV provides end to end services from customised design to supplying coated optical components. To find out more please contact HHV Ltd in the UK (click here) or click this link hhv.in to visit HHVAT’s website.

About Us

HHV Ltd is a HHV Group Company. HHV is India's premier thin film and vacuum technology company. Established in the 1960‘s HHV has 50 years of expertise in the design and manufacture of high vacuum systems and equipment for research and industrial applications.

Contact Us


Unit 14 Lloyds Court, Manor RoyalCrawley, West SussexRH10 9QX, United Kingdom

For Inquiries

Tel : +44 (0)1293 611898Fax : +44 (0) 1293 512277Email: moc.dtlvhh%40ofni

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